Introducing new games is always difficult for a Game Master, often a table already has its favourites, or prefers a specific type of setting or mechanics. Often, especially in this age where new games come out every other day, just getting the time to create simple characters, or complete a basic scenario can be a challenge. This is why Collection Schedule has been written, to be a sampler (or a taster if you’d prefer) to the Con X 2nd Edition Unisystem rule set, and allow potential players see just want sort of fun this great game brings to the table!

Collection Schedule

A short introductory adventure designed to be run as a filler or demonstration scenario to be run at gaming conventions or when Chroniclers are looking to try out Conspiracy X second edition.

With a plot focused on character interaction and thinking outside the square, it should be completed by even the most inexperienced gamers in less than an hour or so. To assist new players and Chroniclers, 3 pre-generated characters are included, ensuring everyone can get to the table as quickly as possible.

You can also download this and other Conspiracy X material I’ve created over at the ConX hub found here